Transportation and Logistics




Orée welcomes you to this area dedicated to the environmental performances of goods transport and logistical practices; we hope that the information and elements provided will help you implement your environmental management policies and strategies.
This platform, founded following the publication of the Environmental performances of transport and logistical practices guide (October 2006), presents the issues in question.
It also gives access to action-related supports and tools as well as the possibility of promoting and sharing exemplary and innovative experience feedback.
The drafting of the guide was coordinated by Orée, with the technical and financial support of ASLOG (French Logistics Association), VNF (French Waterways Association) and La Poste.
These proceedings involved several years’ work and more than 200 participants, including the partner members of the Transport and Environment working group put together by the Association.

Issues and presentation

The publication of Environmental performances of transport and logistical practices was supervised by Orée’s Transport and Environment working group. Published by Sap-Dpe Editions , it was issued in October 2006.

This guide proposes, among other things:


  • An assessment of the goods transport sector in France and in a European context,
  • A presentation / comparison of the different modes of transportation, their environmental impacts, costs and implementation difficulties,
  • A legal and regulatory panorama,
  • Methodology recommendations with a view to the application of innovative solutions integrating sustainable development issues,
  • Experience feedback representative of businesses and local authorities.


Context and approach

Confronted with sensitive, pressing and evolving current affairs, businesses and local authorities must be capable of adapting their transport and logistical policies and strategies, which must take into account the related environmental issues and criteria. External pressure relating to regulatory evolutions or public opinion urges them to review their representations of interactions between their activities and the environment. In addition, certain internal requirements, such as the need to reduce the consumption of energy and raw materials or the desire to promote their image among their staff and the general public, are also a cause for reappraisal.

To respond to these diverse issues, at least partly, the guide on Environmental performances of transport and logistical practices offers a three-dimensional approach.

It takes into account the territorial aspect of the problem, distinguishing between local, regional and national levels. It also involves a multi-player reflection aimed at raising awareness and mobilising all stakeholders concerned by these issues. This makes it possible to share best practices via experience feedback and facilitate exchanges. This guide also includes an educational dimension. It helps provide stakeholders with new perceptions of the problems and new practices. Plans of actions and indicators, examples of adapted training are there to provide reference points and markers to help with the change management process.
 In addition to the published guide, tools featured on this website offer concrete and pragmatic help for the application of these best practices.



Designed for business leaders, territorial authority managers, transport / logistics managers, environmental managers and anyone with an influence on transport demand, this methodological guide was designed for stakeholders to develop and efficiently apply their own strategy on the integration of the environment into the choice of their modes of transportation and the organisation of their logistical operations.
The guide therefore develops awareness-raising and implementation guidelines. The information and tools of this dedicated section complete these two aspects.